At the beginning of last week I went on a little expedition and did something I haven't done since I was 17: j'ai voyagé en France en ferry (I travelled to France by ferry)!
The last time I crossed over the English Channel was with my parents on a holiday to Brittany in 1989 (I'm the youngest of four so it was their last holiday with one of their children before we were ALL grown up enough to go on our own holidays) and it did seem like a lifetime ago. So when I was contacted by P&O Ferries and offered the chance to visit Calais on a day trip via ferry from Dover I was curious as to what it'd be like as an adult. It's amazing how you take the organising of trips for granted as a kid (or even a young adult as I was then) because I remember NOTHING about having to be at a certain place at a certain time, remembering tickets, passports or anything...!As Keith was unavailable (i.e. couldn't get time off work at this time of year) I asked my two lovely friends Lisa and Michelle if they wanted to come and spend the day with me, checking out what Calais had to offer and to see what the trip over would be like. Unfortunately Michelle got a chest infection at the eleventh hour (poor thing!) so it was up to Lisa and I to get the Christmas spirit kicked off with a day in the French port after catching the ferry from Dover.